Who this special training will benefit?
- Professionals with specific risk management, audit, internal control, compliance and anti money laundering duties.
- All experts in financial services and related industries who need fundamental, professional knowledge in anti money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.
- Anyone who aspires to a carrier in finance, compliance or fraud prevention.
Course format offers flexible learning process, timetable and workflow. All classes take place during the normal business days, consuming the minimum working hours possible.
- This Special Training contains four fundamental classes: Defining AML, Standards and Bodies, Compliance Program and Investigations with entire duration of eight weeks, when only 6.5 days in class, three homework assignments and a final exam. Any group should be limited to 20 students.
- Two additional training modules cover Cyber Security, Cards and Payments for 1.5 days in class.
- Prior or during the classes, Foundation PRAVITEL has the capacity to re-arrange content, timetable and workflow as demanded by the learners or chosen by the ordering organization.
Foundation PRAVITEL is nonprofit and non-governmental organization, providing training and support for developing sustainable, social responsible business environment, so to enhance ethics, good governance and corporate integrity!